četrtek, 14. marec 2019

Microsoft's 800M claim for Windows 10 signals migration acceleratio

Microsoft on Thursday said that 800 million devices are now running Windows 10, a 100 million increase in less than six months.
"Thank you to all our customers and partners for helping us achieve 800 million #Windows10 devices and the highest customer satisfaction in the history of Windows," Yusif Mehdi, a Microsoft vice president, tweeted.
Microsoft has regularly touted numbers for Windows 10, most of the time, although not always, by citing the active monthly devices, or those personal computers, tablets and other systems used within the last month. Mehdi did not say when the 800 million mark was reached.
windows 10 claims

Mozilla launches free in-browser (any browser) file-sharing service

Firefox Send is a website anyone can use free of charge to transfer files. Links to the files can be set to expire in a week or less, and downloads can be limited in number.

Mozilla today debuted a free file-sharing service that works with - but doesn't require - Firefox and touted the service's security and privacy traits.
"Send uses end-to-end encryption to keep your data secure from the moment you share to the moment your file is opened," wrote Nick Nguyen, Mozilla's vice president of product strategy. "You can [also] choose when your file link expires, the number of downloads, and whether to add an optional password for an extra layer of security."

Firefox Send

Report: EA Paid Ninja $1 Million To Stream Apex Legends

These days, it’s not uncommon to see big companies promote their games by cutting deals with top YouTubers and streamers, but how much does one of those deals cost? In the case of chameleon-haired Twitch king Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, the number could be as high as $1 million.
Citing an anonymous source, Reuters published a report today saying publisher EA paid Ninja $1 million to play Apex Legends and tweet about it the day after the game launched on February 4. Ninja has over 13 million followers on Twitch, meaning that anything he streams will get an astronomical amount of exposure. That said, even by Ninja’s standards, $1 million is a significant chunk of change—in December, he told CNN he makes $500,000 per month and “a lot more” in a “good month.”